- 0:10 Gymnastic hoops
- 0:49 Hot wire
- 1:40 Electric hoops
- 2:56 Skipping rope
- 3:51 Ring targets
- 4:31 Balloon
- 6:00 Passing on in a chain
- 6:24 Throwing balls
- 7:18 Catching a ball with a bag
- 8:00 Throwing a ball after a colour is called
- 8:35 Ping pong jumps
- 9:22 Ball machine
- 10:20 Skittles
- 11:01 Juggle
- 11:16 Pond
- 12:16 Crawling under a sail
- 13:58 Jumping over the sail
- 14:37 Fall into a seated position
- 15:05 Gymnastic ball
- 16:43 Gymnastic roll